Monday, September 30, 2019

Diversity in the United States Essay

Diversity in the United States Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Diversity is the concept of acceptance and respect upon every individual in relations to sexual category, ethnic and sexual coordination, and stage of development, bodily abilities and political beliefs. In United States there is synthesis of world’s abundant and varied religions, cultures and ethnic groups since it is a home to everybody and there is no group which can call itself the most American than the other. However, the merging of cultures here is so irreplaceable and so outstanding that citizens can be just as pleased and proud of their main cultural legacy as they are to be an American after all. The diversity in United States assemblage takes a moral look at what it means to be an American and scrutinizes the rich legacies that encompasses the entire nation. Any culture provides its specific and incomparable contribution to the current understanding in America and to the world generally. The issue of diversity in America not only provides a multitude of friendly portraits of heritage and culture, but records the fights of nationalities to incorporate into the sentimental society of America, and highlights the power and honesty of several cultural influential and socialites (Naylor, 1999, Naylor, 1997).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the current state of immigration in United States, diversity has however reached nearly every state in America. William Ferry, a demographer has stated that â€Å"This is just a strange explosion of diversity all across the United States† and thinks that diversity and immigration are going hand in hand. Due to the high of immigration, the current statistics indicate that Education ranks increased in every state from 2000 to 2010. Generally, the part of adults with 25 years and older with at least a high school diploma or certificate raised from 80 percent to 90 percent. Those adults with at least a bachelor’s degree from any university or college raised from 40 percent to 55 percent. This change could even rise higher in the coming years as far as there are available jobs and the growth of economy still continue growing in order to hold the population. Furthermore, there are all categories of construction, food p rocessing, every kind of service jobs, the full scale, where primary agriculture is practiced (Naylor, 1997)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Immigrants have also enriched American communities by bringing characteristics of their instinctive cultures with them. However, many of the black Americans now celebrate both Christmas and other festivals drawn from African rituals. Hispanic Americans enjoy their backgrounds with street fairgrounds and other parties or events. There are many ethnic restaurants that proliferate in many American cities. For example, President John Kennedy, the grandson of Irish immigrants, commissioned up this intermingling of the old and the new when he titled America as a society of immigrants, which could hold any person irrespective of their culture, race, religion or political ideologies and everyone would began life fresh, on an equal basis. Therefore, this is the secret of United State as a nation of people with the fresh retention of old backgrounds who venture to walk around with new borderlines (Lind, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, apart from the benefits which have been brought by the immigrants in the United States, challenges have been there more so to the government on how to counter the growing population. Services in all fields need to be increased and improved that is in organizational centers, health centers and educational centers because among the immigrants there are disabled people or people with special needs and they all expect assistance from the government. The issue of ethnicity is still there among various groups of people and this has led to gender difference and reduced sexual orientation. The uniformity that is beyond our internal extents there is outward effects of life practices, plus the choices we decide in our lives also affect our chances, circumstances, and elevations and since these controls, outward extents of religion, maternal prominence, and presence may influence others to create conventions about the immigrants (Naylor 1999 ).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Therefore, diversity need to be fostered in all terms of climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism in the United States in the following ways. First, Asian, Hispanic, black, and American Indian kids require the same basic skills that we have low priorities that white children require. This is a recognizable point, but it is most forgotten idea when the subject of multiethnic education is raised. Second, they need a broad considerate of our form of government and its organizations because we live in a country in which we enjoy countless freedom, but we also live in a country in which people are extremely unconcerned. Third, we must teach our children the history of this United States and there are many sources where we can get that history. Finally, all American kids need a well understanding of the world in which we live, and this includes something of the history of other nations. They need a foundation in geography, which, if shown we ll, will also teach them why nations advanced as they did. Rivers, terrain and climate are all important to the improvement of culture and should be understood well (Naylor, 1997).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ways in which media perpetuate stereotyping and prejudice are relatively few. Erratically, there are studies within fields of journalism and mass communication that concentrate on stereotype and prejudice decline. One of the way is applying an audience-based tactic that openly teaches audiences how to be critical media consume while the other method is using message based method which enables the participants with all stereotypical news narratives that explain the existing cultural practices about various racial groups. The results of these two media-based methods on the accessibility of unfriendly and compassionate racial typecasts are considered to be having a great change. Finally every individual need to construct up prejudice like in other states such as Germany, china and Japan to improve our entrepreneurship. This may be called Ideology but we have to become one, not diverse and unlike (Lester, 2011, Lind, 2010). References Lester, P. M. (2011). Images That Injure: Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media, Third Edition. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. Lind, R. A. (2010). Race/gender/media: Considering diversity, across audiences, content, and producers. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Naylor, L. L. (1999). Problems and issues of diversity in the United States. Westport, Conn. [u.a.: Bergin & Garvey. Naylor, L. L. (1997). Cultural diversity in the United States. Westport, Conn. [u.a.: Bergin & Garvey. Source document

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Should companies treat their employees with respect and treat each one of them with dignity?

All companies should treat their employees with respect and treat each one of them with dignity. Every employee is an asset of a company and without them no company can function properly. Every person in this world has their rights that should be respected and not trampled upon. Employees are human beings with feelings and this should be instilled in the minds of all company owners or their managers or agents. No one is given the right to discriminate against people who are born with disabilities or who for some reason, has gone through a difficult experience in their lives which resulted to any physical deformity.People who, for some reason, have any special characteristic should not be discriminated against. When a person applies for a job, the potential employer should look beyond the physical appearance of any person with disability. He should instead look objectively and analyze whether that person has the skill or capability to perform the required task. The potential employer should thoroughly evaluate the employee to see whether or not, despite his apparent weakness, he is still able to deliver or perform the job just like any normal person.Once the person with disability gets hired, he should be treated fairly by the employer. The employer should provide for some facilities to accommodate the employee. An example of which is when the employee is handicapped, the employer should provide a passage for the employee like a ramp or elevator for easy access to the employee. The employer should also provide for a comfort room which is to be used by handicapped people which should be larger than the normal cubicle to enable them to move freely with their wheelchair.The employer may also provide a work friendly environment to handicapped employees by providing them with a special chair or a comfortable work area where the employee can move around without his freedom being restricted. Employees who suffer from a drug abuse problem may still find a job that would enable them to overcome their drug dependence. If the employee is otherwise qualified by the job, the employer may overlook this drug addiction, and instead find ways to help the latter move on from such weakness.The employer may provide for an environment that would foster camaraderie, training, workshops, seminars and the like to distract the employee’s attention from drug dependence and to shift his focus. This would serve as a distraction for the employee who would soon get healed from his dependency. The simulation may demonstrate this scenario by creating a situation which involves an employer hiring an employee who is handicapped. Both parties may work out a case wherein the employee would try to internalize his role and look at the possible office situations which would help them improve their relationship and to better his work performance.The factors of personality, attitude toward work, and future upward mobility may play a big or little role in a potential workin g environment depending on the kind of workplace or job the employee is applying for. Personality is very important when the job description calls for the characteristic of being sociable as in a marketing job. But, personality may be of little importance to a person employed in a work place where there is no face to face interaction with a client or customer. An employee is the representative of the company, whether such employee is an officer, manager or staff.It would be advantageous for any company to have employees who are outgoing and sociable, however this would only apply for those jobs whose employees are required to be on the frontline. Thus, as to this factor of personality, it would really depend on what the company is for it to be considered as an important criterion for hiring. As to the attitude toward work, I am of the opinion that this is important and should be considered when hiring an employee. The attitude of a person towards his work would reflect a great deal about his personality.The person should show that he loves his work and would take it seriously, otherwise, the company might be in the losing end and suffer in the long run. The employer should weigh the scenario, for example, when there are two applicants for a job, one without any disability but his attitude towards his work is such that he merely views it as a means to an end and another who has some disabilities but whose attitude towards work is such that he views it with enthusiasm, with zeal and with passion, then the employer should hire the second applicant.A person who shows a positive attitude towards his work would help fuel the company to success and great heights. The factor of future upward mobility would have to be qualifies. For example, a work which would require physical strength such as construction, carrying of heavy baggage, running around or other strenuous physical activities, would necessarily require an employee who would be able to perform the job, thus s hould be mobile. However, a work which requires analysis or computer work and is which would not entail any physical mobility would not need an employee who is equipped with upward mobility.An employee should be hired based on his skills and qualifications and not based on his personal appearance. The simulation would be able to demonstrate the importance of those factors by creating an environment that would consider the job description and co-relate these with the applicants. Each scenario should be viewed differently by considering the different needs of each job and determine the applicable skill required for a potential employee. The employer should be able to decide whether or not a certain factor is needed for the delivery of the desired result.Title VII can override the employment contract between an employer and employee. It is the rule that contracts between parties should not be contrary to any existing law. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides in essence th at no person should be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. In general, there should be equal work opportunity for every person regardless of any disability or otherwise. A person who has some disability should be hired if he is qualified for the job.Further, once he is hired he should receive the same amount of pay and benefits as any normal employee since the employer should look beyond the disability and give equal work opportunities to both of them. There should be no diminution of salary or benefits for the reason that the employee has some disability. An employee should not compromise his rights for the reason that he is in desperate need of a job and the employer should not use his bargaining power as a person who is in authority of giving the job.An agreement which provides for benefits, wages or others that are below the minimum wage or contrary to any law is null and void and is of no force and effect. The law is above any w ritten contract since the former must always be in consonance with the latter. The simulation would demonstrate this by portraying a situation which depicts an environment where the employer and the employee would agree on terms that are for the advantage and benefit of both but is not contrary to law.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

64th Republic Day of India

The patriotic fervor of the Indian people on this day brings the whole country together even in her embedded diversity. Republic Day is a people’s day in a variety of ways: It’s when regional identity takes a backseat and what matters most is the universal appeal of unity and brotherhood projected by all Indians. The Indian constitution basically stands for the aspirations which ‘the common man of India’ cherishes. Republic Day is a day of the citizen of the country when he is entitled to be ‘all supreme’. Republic Day is celebrated most majestically in the capital, New Delhi, where symbols of the great nation’s military might and cultural wealth are displayed in what is the world’s most impressive parade. All Government buildings are illuminated lending the city the atmosphere of a fairyland. This day is celebrated with much zeal and pride all across the nation. Republic Day Significance India gained independence on August 15, 1947. But till January 26, 1950, it did not have the proper law of the land for ruling the country. On 26th January, 1950 the constitution of India came into force and India became a nation state with sovereignty and republic sense. Our constitution was formed by the Indian Constituent Assembly. The Indian Constituent Assembly met on December 9, 1946. The Assembly appointed a number of committees to report on the various aspects of the proposed constitution. The Constituent Assembly had appointed Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as the Chairman to draft the Constitution. The committee finalized the draft with 395 Articles and eight Schedules and was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949. The Indian Republic officially came into being on January 26, 1950. January 26 was not some random date picked out of the calendar. It was on this date in 1927, that the Indian National Congress, then fighting its non-violent war for freedom, voted for complete independence as against ‘Dominion Status’. It was the date when members of the Indian National Congress took the pledge to work towards a ‘Sovereign Democratic Republic’ of India. The Indian Constitution, the longest in the world, now consist of 397 articles and 12 schedules which provides for a single citizenship for the whole of India. It gives the right to vote to all the citizens of 18 years and above, unless they are disqualified. Fundamental rights are guaranteed to the citizens, equality of religion and so on. The Supreme Court, consisting of the Chief Justice of India and other judges, are the guardian of the Constitution. It stands at the apex of a single integrated judicial system for the whole country. This is where the fundamental rights of the citizens are protected. 26 January 1950 It was on 26 January, 1950 that the constitution of India came into force and India became a Sovereign Democratic Republic. It was on the same day that Dr. Rajendra Prasad took oath as the first President of India. Read here the first speech delivered by Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the President of India on 26th January, 1950. â€Å"It is a great day for our country. India has had a long and chequered history; parts of it were cloudy and parts bright and sunlit. At no period, even during the most glorious eras of which we have record, was this whole country brought under one Constitution and one rule. We have mention of many Republics in our books and our historians have been able to make out a more or less connected and co-ordinated piece out of the incidents and the places which are mentioned in these records. But these Republics were small and tiny and their shape and size was perhaps the same as that of the Greek Republics of that period. We have mention of Kings and Princes, some of whom are described as ‘Chakravarty’, that is, a monarch whose suzerainty was acknowledged by other Princes. During the British period, while acknowledging the suzerainty of Britain, the Indian Princes continued to carry on the administration of their territories in their own way. It is for the first time today that we have inaugurated a Constitution which extends to the whole of this country and we see the birth of a federal republic having States which have no sovereignty of their own and which are really members and parts of one federation and one administration. His Excellency the Ambassador of the Netherlands has been pleased to refer to the relations and connections of this country with other countries both Eastern and Western. That relationship, so far as this country is concerned, has always been one of friendliness. Our ancestors carried the message of our teachers far and wide and established cultural ties which have withstood the ravages of time and still subsist while Empires have crumbled and fallen to pieces. Our ties subsist because they were not of iron and steel or even of gold but of the silken cords of the human spirit, India has had to face, on many occasions, assaults and invasions by foreigners and she has very often succumbed. But, there is not a single instance of a military invasion or aggressive war by this country against any other. It is therefore in the fitness of things and a culmination of our own cultural traditions that we have been able to win our freedom without bloodshed and in a very peaceful manner. The Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, was not a freak of nature but the physical embodiment and consummation of the progress of that spirit of non-violence which has been our great heritage. We have been able under his matchless leadership, not only to regain our lost freedom but also to establish and strengthen the bonds of friendship with those — and our thanks are due to them for it — against whose policy we have fought and won. Our Constitution is a democratic instrument seeking to ensure to the individual citizens the freedoms which are so invaluable. India has never prescribed or prosecuted opinion and faith and our philosophy has room as much for a devotee of a personal god, as for an agnostic or an atheist. We shall, therefore, be only implementing in practice under our Constitution what we have inherited from our traditions, namely, freedom of opinion and expression. Under the new set-up, which we are inaugurating today, we hope to live up to the teachings of our Master and help in our own humble way in the establishment of peace in the world. Our attitude towards all countries is one of utmost friendliness. We have no designs against any one, no ambition to dominate others. Our hope is that others also will have no designs against us. We have had bitter experience of aggression by other countries in the past and can only express the hope that it may not be necessary for us to take any measures even in self-defence. I know the world today is passing through a most uncertain and anxious period. Two world wars within one generation, with all their devastation and aftermath of suffering and sorrow, have not been able to convince it that a war can never bring about the end of wars. It is, therefore, necessary to seek the end of wars in positive acts of goodness towards all and the world must learn to utilize all its resources for productive and beneficial purposes and not for destruction. We do venture to think that this country may have a past to play in establishing this goodwill and atmosphere of confidence and co-operation. We have inherited no old enmities. Our republic enters the world stage, therefore, free from pride and prejudice, humbly believing and striving that in international as well as internal affairs our statesmen may be guided by the teachings of the Father of our Nation — tolerance, understanding non-violence and resistance to aggression. It is in such a country and at such a time that it has pleased the representatives of our people to call me to this high office. You can easily understand my nervousness which arises not only from the tremendousness of the task with which our newly won freedom is confronted but also from a consciousness that I succeed in this sphere of activity, though not in office, one who has played such a conspicuous part not only during the period of strife and struggle but also during the period of constructive activity and active administration. You know Sri Chakravarty Rajagopalachari and have experience of his incisive intellect, great learning, practical wisdom and sweetness of manners. It has been my privilege to have been associated with him for more than 30 years and although we might have had occasional differences of opinion on some vital matters but never have our personal relations suffered by setback and I feel sure that I shall continue to enjoy the benefit of his protective advice in whatever crises I may have to face. My nervousness and anxiety are to no small extent countered by a consciousness that I shall be the recipient of fullest confidence from our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, the Members of the Cabinet and the Legislature and from the people at large. I shall Endeavour my best to earn and deserve that confidence. Let me also hope that this country will be able to win the confidence of other nations and secure such assistance as it may require in times of need. I have great pleasure in responding to the toast which has been proposed. † Republic Day Celebrations Date: January 26 (Every Year) Venue: India Gate Highlights: President’s Speech, Parade and Caravans (Jhakiyan) of different states This is one of the most colorful and prestigious national festivals and the presence of dignitaries like the President of India, the Prime Minister of India, Union Ministers and foreign delegates also add to the dignity of the celebration. Celebration of Republic Day is different than Independence Day. The difference in significance marks the variation in the pattern of celebration of these two national days. It is a people’s day. On Independence Day, the past is recalled whereas, on Republic Day, the pledge is renewed. Independence Day has rhetoric built in the celebration; Republic Day is without speeches. Republic Day is celebrated all over the country at all the administrative units like the capital cities, district headquarters, sub divisions, talukas, and panchayats. The major ceremonies are held at Delhi and the state capitals. The celebration mood lasts for one week. It consists of the ground preparations, rehearsals, the main display which spills over to the ‘Beating of Retreat’ on January 29. The day has acquired the status of a social celebration in which people participate whole-heartedly. The celebration mosaic is studded with activities. Though the Republic Day Parade is the main ceremony, various activities are held from early morning when prabhat pheris (morning rounds) followed by a homage to Mahatma Gandhi – the Father of Nation. The parade is succeeded by sports events in the afternoon. ‘At Home’ functions at the Raj Bhavan, at the District Magistrate’s and at the SDM’s are followed by illumination of public buildings at the provincial capitals and administrative headquarters. The celebrations are universal, total and participatory in which children also take part in a big way. Variations in culture are displayed through colourful attires and folk dances. The parades held on the day traditionally predominates a touch of modernity reflected in the display of might, technology and capabilities of growth in various sectors. The parades symbolizes the might; the tableaux reflects the cultural motifs. Rules for Flag Hoisting in India â€Å"A flag is a necessity for all nations. Millions have died for it. It is no doubt a kind of idolatry which would be a sin to destroy. For, a flag represents an Ideal The unfurling of the Union Jack evokes in the English breast sentiments whose strength it is difficult to measure. The Stars and Stripes mean a world to the Americans. The Star and the Crescent will call forth the best bravery in Islam. † â€Å"It will be necessary for us Indians Muslims, Christians Jews, Parsis, and all others to whom India is their home-to recognize a common flag to live and to die for. † ~ Mahatma Gandhi The Indian Flag is a national symbol and it is respected by every citizen of India. There are certain points to remember while hoisting the Indian Flag. The Indian Flag should be hoisted with the saffron colour on the top. * There should be no flag or emblem either above the National Flag or on its right. * If there are multiple flags to be hoisted, they must be placed to the left of the Indian Flag. * During the hoisting of the National Flag, all present must stand to give respect and honour its glory. * The flag canno t be intentionally allowed to touch the ground or the floor or trail in water. It cannot be draped over the hood, top, and sides or back of vehicles, trains, boats or aircraft. * The flag cannot be used for communal gains, drapery, or clothes. The National Flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset, irrespective of the weather. It must be taken out before sunset. Republic Day Parade The main celebrations of Republic Day are held in the form of a colourful parade near India Gate in Delhi. The parade showcasing India’s military might and cultural diversity covers a 8 km route, starting from the Rashtrapati Bhavan through the picturesque Rajpath down to India Gate before winding up at the historic Red Fort in Old Delhi. The events of the day begin with the Prime Minister laying a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti – India Gate. He then drives up to the central enclosure and awaits the arrival of the President and a Chief Guest of the occasion who is normally a Head of other Country. On his arrival the Hon’ble President meets the dignitaries present and unfurls the National Flag. Following this the National Anthem is played with a 21-gun salute to the National Flag. After this a brief investiture ceremony takes place during which the President presents India’s top gallantry awards, the Param Veer Chakra, the Veer Chakra and the Maha Veer Chakra to the outstanding soldiers from the defense services. After this, four helicopters from the armed forces fly past the parade area showering rose petals on the audience. Each chopper carries a flag – the first being the Indian flag and the other three the flags of the Army, the Navy, and the Indian Air Force. The march past begins immediately after the fly past. The President, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, takes the salute of the mechanised, mounted and marching contingents of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Paramilitary forces, Police and the National Cadet Corps. After the march past comes the cultural extravaganza consisting of floats presented by the various states and performances by school children. After the floats, the bravery awards winning children from all over the country enter on elephants. A spectacular fly-past by Air Force and Naval aircraft rounds off this not-to-be missed experience. The parade is followed by a pageant of spectacular displays from the different states of the country. These moving exhibits depict scenes of activities of people in those states and the music and songs of that particular state accompany each display. Each display brings out the diversity and richness of the culture of India and the whole show lends a festive air to the occasion. No other country in the world can parade so many ethnically different people in splendid uniforms as India’s Armed Forces. But they are all united in their proven loyalty to the Government elected by the people and in their proud traditions and legendary gallantry. Republic Day Chief Guests Since 1950, India has been inviting head of state or government of another country as the state guest of honor for Republic Day celebrations and parade in New Delhi. Selecting the Chief guests for the Republic Day has more than mere ceremonial reasons. The choice of chief guest every year is dictated by a number of reasons such as strategic and diplomatic, business interest and international geo-politics. Recently India has been inviting dignitaries from South East Asia with the latest being Thailand’s first women Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra. Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said Al Said will be the chief guest for Republic Day Celebrations 2013 Here is the list of Chief Guests invited as the Guest of Honor for the Republic Day ceremony held in Delhi. 950 President Sukarno from Indonesia 1954 King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck of Bhutan 1955 Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad of Pakistan 1958 Marshall Ye Jianying of People’s Republic of China 1960 President Kliment Voroshilov of Soviet Union 1961 Queen Elizabeth II from United Kingdom 1963 King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia 1965 Food and Agriculture Minister Rana Abdul Hamid of Pakistan 1968 Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin of Soviet Union President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia 1969 Prime Minister of Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov of Bulgaria 1971 President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania 972 Prime Minister Seewoosagur Ramgoolam of Mauritius 1973 President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire 1974 President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia 1975 President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia 1976 Prime Minister Jacques Chirac of France 1977 First Secretary Edward Gierek of Poland 1978 President Patrick Hillery of Ireland 1979 Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser of Australia 1980 President Valery Giscard d’Estaing of France 1981 President Jose Lopez Portillo of Mexico 1982 King Juan Carlos I of Spain 1983 President Shehu Shagari of Nigeria 1984 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck of Bhutan 985 President Raul Alfonsin of Argentina 1986 Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou of Greece 1987 President Alan Garcia of Peru 1988 President Junius Jayewardene of Sri Lanka 1989 General Secretary Nguyen Van Linh of Vietnam 1990 Prime Minister Anerood Jugnauth of Mauritius 1991 President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom of Maldives 1992 President Mario Soares of Portugal 1993 Prime Minister John Major of United Kingdom 1994 Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong of Singapore 1995 President Nelson Mandela of South Africa 1996 President Dr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil 997 Prime Minister Basdeo Panday of Trinidad and Tobago 1998 President Jacques Chirac of France 1999 King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev of Nepal 2000 President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria 2001 President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria 2002 President Cassam Uteem of Mauritius 2003 President Mohammed Khatami of Iran 2004 President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil 2005 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck of Bhutan 2006 King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia 2007 President Vladimir Putin of Russia 2008 President Nicolas Sarkozy of France 009 President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan 2010 President Lee Myung Bak of Republic of Korea 2011 P resident Susi lo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia 2012 Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra of Thailand 2013 Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said Al Said Republic Day Awards The national awards for bravery or the National Bravery Awards was started in 1957 by the Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) to recognize and honor children who have performed outstanding deeds of bravery and selfless sacrifice. Every year the ICCW confers these awards to children below 16 years of age. The awards are announced on November 14 (Children’s Day) and the Prime Minister presents the awards on the eve of Republic Day. The awardees receive a medal, certificate and cash as a token of their indispensable courage. These children also take part in the Republic Day Parade atop an elephant. In addition to this, some of them are also granted financial assistance to complete their schooling and professional courses such as medical and engineering (under the Indira Gandhi scholarship scheme). Assistance is also provided to some till they complete their graduation. The Central and State government departments, Panchayats, Zila Parishads, State and Union Territory councils for Child Welfare and also the school authorities have the responsibility of acknowledging the applications for the bravery award. The selection is made by a committee constituted by the ICCW, comprising of representatives from the Secretariats of the President and the Vice-President, various ministries, as well as the Central Social Welfare Board, police, All India Radio, Doordarshan and leading NGOs such as the National Bal Bhavan, SOS, Children’s Villages of India, R K Mission and experienced ICCW members. In 1978, the Indian Council for Child Welfare instituted two bravery awards for children under the age of 16, the Sanjay Chopra Award and the Geeta Chopra Award, given each year along with the National Bravery Award. Bravery Awards 2013 The list of Bravery Award winners for the year 2013 was announced by the ICCW on January 18th, 2013. The award is to be conferred to 22 brave children from all parts of the country, the youngest recipient being 7-year-old Koroungamba Kuman from Manipur. The coveted ‘Bharat Award’ will be awarded to Tarang Atulbhai Mistry from Gujarat and 11-year-old Gajendra Ram from Chhattisgarh is being felicitated with ‘Sanjay Chopra’ award. NameAwardState Renu Geeta Chopra AwardDelhi Gajendra Ram Sanjay Chopra AwardChhattisgarh Tarang Atulbhai MistryBharat AwardGujarat Vijay Kumar SainikBapu Gaidhani AwardUttar Pradesh Akanksha GauteBapu Gaidhani AwardChhattisgarh Hali Raghunath BarafBapu Gaidhani AwardMaharashtra RamdintharaNational Bravery AwardsMizoram Devansh TiwariNational Bravery AwardsChhattisgarh Mukesh NishadNational Bravery AwardsChhattisgarh LalrinhluaNational Bravery AwardsMizoram E. SuganthanNational Bravery AwardsTamil Nadu Ramith. K,National Bravery AwardsKerala Mebin CyriacNational Bravery AwardsKerala Vishnu M. V. National Bravery AwardsKerala Koroungamba KumanNational Bravery AwardsManipur Sameep Anil PanditNational Bravery AwardsMaharashtra Viswendra LohknaNational Bravery AwardsUttar Pradesh Satendra LohkanaNational Bravery AwardsUttar Pradesh Pawan Kumar KanaujiyaNational Bravery AwardsUttar Pradesh Stripleaseman MylliemNational Bravery AwardsMeghalaya Sapna Kumari MeenaNational Bravery AwardsRajasthan Suhail K. M. National Bravery AwardsKarnataka Gallantry Awards Soldiers, who have performed outstanding deeds of bravery and selfless sacrifice, are awarded the bravery medals, Param Vir Chakra, Vir Chakra and Maha Vir Chakra. Each defense service in India have there own set of gallantry awards that are awarded to the soldiers who have shown courage and valor. Beating Retreat After three days of Republic Day parade, a moving ceremony known as â€Å"Beating Retreat† is held at the Vijay Chowk in New Delhi. This ceremony revives an ancient war custom according to which troops used to stop fighting at sunset. Bugles announcing the sunset would sound in the battlefield. As soon as soldiers heard these bugles they would stand still in the battlefield and war would be stopped for the day. This ceremony held on the 29th of January every year, marks the formal end of the Republic Day celebrations. The ceremony opens with a parade by selected contingents of the armed forces set to scintillating performances by the various armed forces bands. The parade climaxes with all the bands playing in unison. As the bands fall silent, a lone trumpeter picks up the moving tune ‘Siki a mole’. After this performance the hymn ‘Abide with me’ is played by the Massed Bands. This hymn, said to be Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite, is a permanent feature of the ceremony. At exactly 6 pm, the buglers sound the retreat and the National Flag is lowered to the National Anthem bringing the Republic Day celebrations to a formal end. One by one, the camels and the riders who stand stone-like throughout against the backdrop of the sky, move away from the background. Just after this comes the most visually appealing part of the show. With the click of a button, a thousand bulbs light up the Rashtrapati Bhavan and adjoining buildings. Surely a fitting end to the annual celebrations of the Indian republic! National Anthem of India The National Anthem of India is ‘Jana Gana Mana’ which was written and composed by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. It was first sung at the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress on December 27, 1911. It was officially adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of India on January 24, 1950. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM OF INDIA Jana gana mana adhinayaka jaya he Bharata bhagya vidhata Punjaba Sind Gujarata Maratha Dravida Utkala Banga Vindhya Himachala Yamuna Ganga Ucchala jaladhi taranga Tava subha name jage Tava subha asisa mage Gahe tava jaya gatha Jana gana mangala dayaka jaya he Bharata bhagya vidhata Jaya he jaya he jaya he Jaya jaya jaya jaya he! Translation into English Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people, Dispenser of India’s destiny. Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sind, Gujarat and Maratha, Of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal; It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of Jamuna and Ganges and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea. They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise. The saving of all people waits in thy hand, Thou dispenser of India’s destiny. Victory, victory, victory, Victory to thee. Preamble to the Constitution of India Just as every book we read comes with a preface, which gives us a brief outline and the central theme of that book, so is the case with the preamble of Indian Constitution. The Preamble being the preface of the constitution lays down the basic makeup of the Constitution. The Indian Preamble highlights the type of society and government it wishes India and Indians to have. For this, it has tried to incorporate the objectives of the Constitution in a nutshell. The Preamble of the constitution has used the noblest words which symbolize the highest principles and values of human creativity and experience. World over, the Preamble of the Indian Constitution is regarded highly for its originality in wholeness of approach in dealing with so many subjects. The Indian preamble wishes India to be a country where there should be no high class and low class of citizens; an India in which all communities will co-exist in perfect harmony. Interestingly, the Indian Constitution is the longest of all the constitutions by any other nation. PREAMBLE WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, are having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION. 64th Republic Day of India The patriotic fervor of the Indian people on this day brings the whole country together even in her embedded diversity. Republic Day is a people’s day in a variety of ways: It’s when regional identity takes a backseat and what matters most is the universal appeal of unity and brotherhood projected by all Indians. The Indian constitution basically stands for the aspirations which ‘the common man of India’ cherishes. Republic Day is a day of the citizen of the country when he is entitled to be ‘all supreme’. Republic Day is celebrated most majestically in the capital, New Delhi, where symbols of the great nation’s military might and cultural wealth are displayed in what is the world’s most impressive parade. All Government buildings are illuminated lending the city the atmosphere of a fairyland. This day is celebrated with much zeal and pride all across the nation. Republic Day Significance India gained independence on August 15, 1947. But till January 26, 1950, it did not have the proper law of the land for ruling the country. On 26th January, 1950 the constitution of India came into force and India became a nation state with sovereignty and republic sense. Our constitution was formed by the Indian Constituent Assembly. The Indian Constituent Assembly met on December 9, 1946. The Assembly appointed a number of committees to report on the various aspects of the proposed constitution. The Constituent Assembly had appointed Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as the Chairman to draft the Constitution. The committee finalized the draft with 395 Articles and eight Schedules and was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949. The Indian Republic officially came into being on January 26, 1950. January 26 was not some random date picked out of the calendar. It was on this date in 1927, that the Indian National Congress, then fighting its non-violent war for freedom, voted for complete independence as against ‘Dominion Status’. It was the date when members of the Indian National Congress took the pledge to work towards a ‘Sovereign Democratic Republic’ of India. The Indian Constitution, the longest in the world, now consist of 397 articles and 12 schedules which provides for a single citizenship for the whole of India. It gives the right to vote to all the citizens of 18 years and above, unless they are disqualified. Fundamental rights are guaranteed to the citizens, equality of religion and so on. The Supreme Court, consisting of the Chief Justice of India and other judges, are the guardian of the Constitution. It stands at the apex of a single integrated judicial system for the whole country. This is where the fundamental rights of the citizens are protected. 26 January 1950 It was on 26 January, 1950 that the constitution of India came into force and India became a Sovereign Democratic Republic. It was on the same day that Dr. Rajendra Prasad took oath as the first President of India. Read here the first speech delivered by Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the President of India on 26th January, 1950. â€Å"It is a great day for our country. India has had a long and chequered history; parts of it were cloudy and parts bright and sunlit. At no period, even during the most glorious eras of which we have record, was this whole country brought under one Constitution and one rule. We have mention of many Republics in our books and our historians have been able to make out a more or less connected and co-ordinated piece out of the incidents and the places which are mentioned in these records. But these Republics were small and tiny and their shape and size was perhaps the same as that of the Greek Republics of that period. We have mention of Kings and Princes, some of whom are described as ‘Chakravarty’, that is, a monarch whose suzerainty was acknowledged by other Princes. During the British period, while acknowledging the suzerainty of Britain, the Indian Princes continued to carry on the administration of their territories in their own way. It is for the first time today that we have inaugurated a Constitution which extends to the whole of this country and we see the birth of a federal republic having States which have no sovereignty of their own and which are really members and parts of one federation and one administration. His Excellency the Ambassador of the Netherlands has been pleased to refer to the relations and connections of this country with other countries both Eastern and Western. That relationship, so far as this country is concerned, has always been one of friendliness. Our ancestors carried the message of our teachers far and wide and established cultural ties which have withstood the ravages of time and still subsist while Empires have crumbled and fallen to pieces. Our ties subsist because they were not of iron and steel or even of gold but of the silken cords of the human spirit, India has had to face, on many occasions, assaults and invasions by foreigners and she has very often succumbed. But, there is not a single instance of a military invasion or aggressive war by this country against any other. It is therefore in the fitness of things and a culmination of our own cultural traditions that we have been able to win our freedom without bloodshed and in a very peaceful manner. The Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, was not a freak of nature but the physical embodiment and consummation of the progress of that spirit of non-violence which has been our great heritage. We have been able under his matchless leadership, not only to regain our lost freedom but also to establish and strengthen the bonds of friendship with those — and our thanks are due to them for it — against whose policy we have fought and won. Our Constitution is a democratic instrument seeking to ensure to the individual citizens the freedoms which are so invaluable. India has never prescribed or prosecuted opinion and faith and our philosophy has room as much for a devotee of a personal god, as for an agnostic or an atheist. We shall, therefore, be only implementing in practice under our Constitution what we have inherited from our traditions, namely, freedom of opinion and expression. Under the new set-up, which we are inaugurating today, we hope to live up to the teachings of our Master and help in our own humble way in the establishment of peace in the world. Our attitude towards all countries is one of utmost friendliness. We have no designs against any one, no ambition to dominate others. Our hope is that others also will have no designs against us. We have had bitter experience of aggression by other countries in the past and can only express the hope that it may not be necessary for us to take any measures even in self-defence. I know the world today is passing through a most uncertain and anxious period. Two world wars within one generation, with all their devastation and aftermath of suffering and sorrow, have not been able to convince it that a war can never bring about the end of wars. It is, therefore, necessary to seek the end of wars in positive acts of goodness towards all and the world must learn to utilize all its resources for productive and beneficial purposes and not for destruction. We do venture to think that this country may have a past to play in establishing this goodwill and atmosphere of confidence and co-operation. We have inherited no old enmities. Our republic enters the world stage, therefore, free from pride and prejudice, humbly believing and striving that in international as well as internal affairs our statesmen may be guided by the teachings of the Father of our Nation — tolerance, understanding non-violence and resistance to aggression. It is in such a country and at such a time that it has pleased the representatives of our people to call me to this high office. You can easily understand my nervousness which arises not only from the tremendousness of the task with which our newly won freedom is confronted but also from a consciousness that I succeed in this sphere of activity, though not in office, one who has played such a conspicuous part not only during the period of strife and struggle but also during the period of constructive activity and active administration. You know Sri Chakravarty Rajagopalachari and have experience of his incisive intellect, great learning, practical wisdom and sweetness of manners. It has been my privilege to have been associated with him for more than 30 years and although we might have had occasional differences of opinion on some vital matters but never have our personal relations suffered by setback and I feel sure that I shall continue to enjoy the benefit of his protective advice in whatever crises I may have to face. My nervousness and anxiety are to no small extent countered by a consciousness that I shall be the recipient of fullest confidence from our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, the Members of the Cabinet and the Legislature and from the people at large. I shall Endeavour my best to earn and deserve that confidence. Let me also hope that this country will be able to win the confidence of other nations and secure such assistance as it may require in times of need. I have great pleasure in responding to the toast which has been proposed. † Republic Day Celebrations Date: January 26 (Every Year) Venue: India Gate Highlights: President’s Speech, Parade and Caravans (Jhakiyan) of different states This is one of the most colorful and prestigious national festivals and the presence of dignitaries like the President of India, the Prime Minister of India, Union Ministers and foreign delegates also add to the dignity of the celebration. Celebration of Republic Day is different than Independence Day. The difference in significance marks the variation in the pattern of celebration of these two national days. It is a people’s day. On Independence Day, the past is recalled whereas, on Republic Day, the pledge is renewed. Independence Day has rhetoric built in the celebration; Republic Day is without speeches. Republic Day is celebrated all over the country at all the administrative units like the capital cities, district headquarters, sub divisions, talukas, and panchayats. The major ceremonies are held at Delhi and the state capitals. The celebration mood lasts for one week. It consists of the ground preparations, rehearsals, the main display which spills over to the ‘Beating of Retreat’ on January 29. The day has acquired the status of a social celebration in which people participate whole-heartedly. The celebration mosaic is studded with activities. Though the Republic Day Parade is the main ceremony, various activities are held from early morning when prabhat pheris (morning rounds) followed by a homage to Mahatma Gandhi – the Father of Nation. The parade is succeeded by sports events in the afternoon. ‘At Home’ functions at the Raj Bhavan, at the District Magistrate’s and at the SDM’s are followed by illumination of public buildings at the provincial capitals and administrative headquarters. The celebrations are universal, total and participatory in which children also take part in a big way. Variations in culture are displayed through colourful attires and folk dances. The parades held on the day traditionally predominates a touch of modernity reflected in the display of might, technology and capabilities of growth in various sectors. The parades symbolizes the might; the tableaux reflects the cultural motifs. Rules for Flag Hoisting in India â€Å"A flag is a necessity for all nations. Millions have died for it. It is no doubt a kind of idolatry which would be a sin to destroy. For, a flag represents an Ideal The unfurling of the Union Jack evokes in the English breast sentiments whose strength it is difficult to measure. The Stars and Stripes mean a world to the Americans. The Star and the Crescent will call forth the best bravery in Islam. † â€Å"It will be necessary for us Indians Muslims, Christians Jews, Parsis, and all others to whom India is their home-to recognize a common flag to live and to die for. † ~ Mahatma Gandhi The Indian Flag is a national symbol and it is respected by every citizen of India. There are certain points to remember while hoisting the Indian Flag. The Indian Flag should be hoisted with the saffron colour on the top. * There should be no flag or emblem either above the National Flag or on its right. * If there are multiple flags to be hoisted, they must be placed to the left of the Indian Flag. * During the hoisting of the National Flag, all present must stand to give respect and honour its glory. * The flag canno t be intentionally allowed to touch the ground or the floor or trail in water. It cannot be draped over the hood, top, and sides or back of vehicles, trains, boats or aircraft. * The flag cannot be used for communal gains, drapery, or clothes. The National Flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset, irrespective of the weather. It must be taken out before sunset. Republic Day Parade The main celebrations of Republic Day are held in the form of a colourful parade near India Gate in Delhi. The parade showcasing India’s military might and cultural diversity covers a 8 km route, starting from the Rashtrapati Bhavan through the picturesque Rajpath down to India Gate before winding up at the historic Red Fort in Old Delhi. The events of the day begin with the Prime Minister laying a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti – India Gate. He then drives up to the central enclosure and awaits the arrival of the President and a Chief Guest of the occasion who is normally a Head of other Country. On his arrival the Hon’ble President meets the dignitaries present and unfurls the National Flag. Following this the National Anthem is played with a 21-gun salute to the National Flag. After this a brief investiture ceremony takes place during which the President presents India’s top gallantry awards, the Param Veer Chakra, the Veer Chakra and the Maha Veer Chakra to the outstanding soldiers from the defense services. After this, four helicopters from the armed forces fly past the parade area showering rose petals on the audience. Each chopper carries a flag – the first being the Indian flag and the other three the flags of the Army, the Navy, and the Indian Air Force. The march past begins immediately after the fly past. The President, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, takes the salute of the mechanised, mounted and marching contingents of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Paramilitary forces, Police and the National Cadet Corps. After the march past comes the cultural extravaganza consisting of floats presented by the various states and performances by school children. After the floats, the bravery awards winning children from all over the country enter on elephants. A spectacular fly-past by Air Force and Naval aircraft rounds off this not-to-be missed experience. The parade is followed by a pageant of spectacular displays from the different states of the country. These moving exhibits depict scenes of activities of people in those states and the music and songs of that particular state accompany each display. Each display brings out the diversity and richness of the culture of India and the whole show lends a festive air to the occasion. No other country in the world can parade so many ethnically different people in splendid uniforms as India’s Armed Forces. But they are all united in their proven loyalty to the Government elected by the people and in their proud traditions and legendary gallantry. Republic Day Chief Guests Since 1950, India has been inviting head of state or government of another country as the state guest of honor for Republic Day celebrations and parade in New Delhi. Selecting the Chief guests for the Republic Day has more than mere ceremonial reasons. The choice of chief guest every year is dictated by a number of reasons such as strategic and diplomatic, business interest and international geo-politics. Recently India has been inviting dignitaries from South East Asia with the latest being Thailand’s first women Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra. Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said Al Said will be the chief guest for Republic Day Celebrations 2013 Here is the list of Chief Guests invited as the Guest of Honor for the Republic Day ceremony held in Delhi. 950 President Sukarno from Indonesia 1954 King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck of Bhutan 1955 Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad of Pakistan 1958 Marshall Ye Jianying of People’s Republic of China 1960 President Kliment Voroshilov of Soviet Union 1961 Queen Elizabeth II from United Kingdom 1963 King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia 1965 Food and Agriculture Minister Rana Abdul Hamid of Pakistan 1968 Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin of Soviet Union President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia 1969 Prime Minister of Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov of Bulgaria 1971 President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania 972 Prime Minister Seewoosagur Ramgoolam of Mauritius 1973 President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire 1974 President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia 1975 President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia 1976 Prime Minister Jacques Chirac of France 1977 First Secretary Edward Gierek of Poland 1978 President Patrick Hillery of Ireland 1979 Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser of Australia 1980 President Valery Giscard d’Estaing of France 1981 President Jose Lopez Portillo of Mexico 1982 King Juan Carlos I of Spain 1983 President Shehu Shagari of Nigeria 1984 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck of Bhutan 985 President Raul Alfonsin of Argentina 1986 Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou of Greece 1987 President Alan Garcia of Peru 1988 President Junius Jayewardene of Sri Lanka 1989 General Secretary Nguyen Van Linh of Vietnam 1990 Prime Minister Anerood Jugnauth of Mauritius 1991 President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom of Maldives 1992 President Mario Soares of Portugal 1993 Prime Minister John Major of United Kingdom 1994 Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong of Singapore 1995 President Nelson Mandela of South Africa 1996 President Dr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil 997 Prime Minister Basdeo Panday of Trinidad and Tobago 1998 President Jacques Chirac of France 1999 King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev of Nepal 2000 President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria 2001 President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria 2002 President Cassam Uteem of Mauritius 2003 President Mohammed Khatami of Iran 2004 President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil 2005 King Jigme Singye Wangchuck of Bhutan 2006 King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia 2007 President Vladimir Putin of Russia 2008 President Nicolas Sarkozy of France 009 President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan 2010 President Lee Myung Bak of Republic of Korea 2011 P resident Susi lo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia 2012 Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra of Thailand 2013 Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said Al Said Republic Day Awards The national awards for bravery or the National Bravery Awards was started in 1957 by the Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) to recognize and honor children who have performed outstanding deeds of bravery and selfless sacrifice. Every year the ICCW confers these awards to children below 16 years of age. The awards are announced on November 14 (Children’s Day) and the Prime Minister presents the awards on the eve of Republic Day. The awardees receive a medal, certificate and cash as a token of their indispensable courage. These children also take part in the Republic Day Parade atop an elephant. In addition to this, some of them are also granted financial assistance to complete their schooling and professional courses such as medical and engineering (under the Indira Gandhi scholarship scheme). Assistance is also provided to some till they complete their graduation. The Central and State government departments, Panchayats, Zila Parishads, State and Union Territory councils for Child Welfare and also the school authorities have the responsibility of acknowledging the applications for the bravery award. The selection is made by a committee constituted by the ICCW, comprising of representatives from the Secretariats of the President and the Vice-President, various ministries, as well as the Central Social Welfare Board, police, All India Radio, Doordarshan and leading NGOs such as the National Bal Bhavan, SOS, Children’s Villages of India, R K Mission and experienced ICCW members. In 1978, the Indian Council for Child Welfare instituted two bravery awards for children under the age of 16, the Sanjay Chopra Award and the Geeta Chopra Award, given each year along with the National Bravery Award. Bravery Awards 2013 The list of Bravery Award winners for the year 2013 was announced by the ICCW on January 18th, 2013. The award is to be conferred to 22 brave children from all parts of the country, the youngest recipient being 7-year-old Koroungamba Kuman from Manipur. The coveted ‘Bharat Award’ will be awarded to Tarang Atulbhai Mistry from Gujarat and 11-year-old Gajendra Ram from Chhattisgarh is being felicitated with ‘Sanjay Chopra’ award. NameAwardState Renu Geeta Chopra AwardDelhi Gajendra Ram Sanjay Chopra AwardChhattisgarh Tarang Atulbhai MistryBharat AwardGujarat Vijay Kumar SainikBapu Gaidhani AwardUttar Pradesh Akanksha GauteBapu Gaidhani AwardChhattisgarh Hali Raghunath BarafBapu Gaidhani AwardMaharashtra RamdintharaNational Bravery AwardsMizoram Devansh TiwariNational Bravery AwardsChhattisgarh Mukesh NishadNational Bravery AwardsChhattisgarh LalrinhluaNational Bravery AwardsMizoram E. SuganthanNational Bravery AwardsTamil Nadu Ramith. K,National Bravery AwardsKerala Mebin CyriacNational Bravery AwardsKerala Vishnu M. V. National Bravery AwardsKerala Koroungamba KumanNational Bravery AwardsManipur Sameep Anil PanditNational Bravery AwardsMaharashtra Viswendra LohknaNational Bravery AwardsUttar Pradesh Satendra LohkanaNational Bravery AwardsUttar Pradesh Pawan Kumar KanaujiyaNational Bravery AwardsUttar Pradesh Stripleaseman MylliemNational Bravery AwardsMeghalaya Sapna Kumari MeenaNational Bravery AwardsRajasthan Suhail K. M. National Bravery AwardsKarnataka Gallantry Awards Soldiers, who have performed outstanding deeds of bravery and selfless sacrifice, are awarded the bravery medals, Param Vir Chakra, Vir Chakra and Maha Vir Chakra. Each defense service in India have there own set of gallantry awards that are awarded to the soldiers who have shown courage and valor. Beating Retreat After three days of Republic Day parade, a moving ceremony known as â€Å"Beating Retreat† is held at the Vijay Chowk in New Delhi. This ceremony revives an ancient war custom according to which troops used to stop fighting at sunset. Bugles announcing the sunset would sound in the battlefield. As soon as soldiers heard these bugles they would stand still in the battlefield and war would be stopped for the day. This ceremony held on the 29th of January every year, marks the formal end of the Republic Day celebrations. The ceremony opens with a parade by selected contingents of the armed forces set to scintillating performances by the various armed forces bands. The parade climaxes with all the bands playing in unison. As the bands fall silent, a lone trumpeter picks up the moving tune ‘Siki a mole’. After this performance the hymn ‘Abide with me’ is played by the Massed Bands. This hymn, said to be Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite, is a permanent feature of the ceremony. At exactly 6 pm, the buglers sound the retreat and the National Flag is lowered to the National Anthem bringing the Republic Day celebrations to a formal end. One by one, the camels and the riders who stand stone-like throughout against the backdrop of the sky, move away from the background. Just after this comes the most visually appealing part of the show. With the click of a button, a thousand bulbs light up the Rashtrapati Bhavan and adjoining buildings. Surely a fitting end to the annual celebrations of the Indian republic! National Anthem of India The National Anthem of India is ‘Jana Gana Mana’ which was written and composed by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. It was first sung at the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress on December 27, 1911. It was officially adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of India on January 24, 1950. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM OF INDIA Jana gana mana adhinayaka jaya he Bharata bhagya vidhata Punjaba Sind Gujarata Maratha Dravida Utkala Banga Vindhya Himachala Yamuna Ganga Ucchala jaladhi taranga Tava subha name jage Tava subha asisa mage Gahe tava jaya gatha Jana gana mangala dayaka jaya he Bharata bhagya vidhata Jaya he jaya he jaya he Jaya jaya jaya jaya he! Translation into English Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people, Dispenser of India’s destiny. Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sind, Gujarat and Maratha, Of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal; It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of Jamuna and Ganges and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea. They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise. The saving of all people waits in thy hand, Thou dispenser of India’s destiny. Victory, victory, victory, Victory to thee. Preamble to the Constitution of India Just as every book we read comes with a preface, which gives us a brief outline and the central theme of that book, so is the case with the preamble of Indian Constitution. The Preamble being the preface of the constitution lays down the basic makeup of the Constitution. The Indian Preamble highlights the type of society and government it wishes India and Indians to have. For this, it has tried to incorporate the objectives of the Constitution in a nutshell. The Preamble of the constitution has used the noblest words which symbolize the highest principles and values of human creativity and experience. World over, the Preamble of the Indian Constitution is regarded highly for its originality in wholeness of approach in dealing with so many subjects. The Indian preamble wishes India to be a country where there should be no high class and low class of citizens; an India in which all communities will co-exist in perfect harmony. Interestingly, the Indian Constitution is the longest of all the constitutions by any other nation. PREAMBLE WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, are having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Italy's Cultural Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Italy's Cultural - Research Paper Example Italian society highly values individuality and is comfortable interacting with individuals in their personal capacity rather than as representatives of a company. Hence, it is always advisable that sales letters prominently display the name of the person who is sending the letter rather than a faceless designation. But it must be remembered that however important personal relations might be to strike a successful business deal, such relations take a long time to develop and need interactions over long periods of time. So, it might be necessary to write several letters before one can expect any sort of response from an Italian company (Gorrill, 2005). Italian companies have strict norms of hierarchy and almost all business decisions are generally taken by the top management. Our company solicits business outsourcing which is most certainly a very vital decision for any form of business. Thus, it is only natural that the topmost managers of a company will come to a decision after a lot of thought and numerous interactions among themselves and with our company representatives. This is a long drawn out process and polite patience will be the key to success in such a scenario. Any quick decisions from prospective clients or quick closing of a deal with a new client is usually not possible in Italy. The situation is made even more critical by a general sense of lethargy about taking any type of decision that permeates all forms of bureaucracy in Italy (Priest, 2008). Italian culture accords tremendous respect to positions of authority and the power that goes with it and also the age of the person wielding that authority. White hair over black and experience over exuberance of youth is always given more importance in Italy. Therefore, all sales letters should be signed by the highest authority available simply to provide an accentuated sense of seriousness and urgency to the whole issue. Keeping in mind Italian

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Investment Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investment Report - Essay Example Tesco is currently the world’s third largest retailer in the world measured by revenue and the second largest when measured by profits. The company is undoubtedly the largest in the retail industry in the UK, where it controls approximately 30% of the market. This places Tesco substantially ahead of ASDA its closest rival which is operated by Wal-Mart a U.S owned operation. However, BBC (2012) indicates that Tesco’s market share fell below 30% to 29.9% for the first time in seven years for the 12 week period to January 22, 2012. The company’s major competitors include Sainsbury which was number one until 1995, ASDA, Safeway and Morrison’s. Tesco’s size resulted from a series of acquisitions throughout the UK. The company is now an international group with operations in 14 countries – located in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. According to Tesco (2013) Tesco’s venture into the international arena started in 1995 when the company invested in Hungary. In 1998 the company entered Thailand under the Tesco Lotus brand and in 1999 though a partnership with Samsung made its entry into Korea where it now has 450 stores. The company took a break and continued its streak of expansion when it entered into a partnership with 30% stakeholder Darby in Malaysia. This was followed by the acquisition of the Kipa stores in Turkey in 2003 and entry into China in 2004 where the company established a network of over 100 stores in several Provinces along the Eastern Seaboard. The company entered the U.S in 2007 under the name Fresh & Easy and now has approximately 200 stores in several states including California. Tesco now has approximately 6,234 stores and is expected to continue growing as economic conditions improve. In fact, the company decided to reduce its planned investment in China as a result of uncertainties in the environment (Tesco 2012). The macroeconomic Environment in UK and Hong Kong An analysis of the macroeconomic environ ment of Tesco using PESTEL provides information about to opportunities and threats in the environment. In order to assess the impact of the environmental conditions of all these countries on Tesco’s, an environmental analysis needs to be done In the political environment the threat of terrorism is not as high as it was before. However, Tesco appears to be prepared as a major terrorist event would affect the company’s system and impact its ability to trade. The company has contingency plans in place as well as security systems and processes to deal with any such event (Tesco 2006). Tesco’s other international competitors - Wal-Mart and Carrefour face temporary price controls in Kunming, a southwestern Chinese city. (Bloomberg 2010; China Briefing 2010, CNNMoney 2010). However, incentives are being offered for investors to start business in the western region - the poorest region in China. The environment in the UK is getting better as the government has reduced t he corporation tax rate for 2012/13 from 24 per to 23 percent. The rate is expected to be reduced to 22% in 2013/2014. The political environment in Hong Kong as it relates to business is different as the country is considered to be a tax haven with a corporate tax rate of 16.5%. The company does not have value

Marks & Spencer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marks & Spencer - Essay Example Internal analysis is concerned with providing management with a detailed understanding of the business, how effective its current strategies are and how effectively it has deployed its resources in support of its strategies (Johnson, Scholes, 1998). Marketing strategy provides firms with the framework for planning their business activities to develop and sustain competitive advantage. A large number of tools and systems have been developed by marketing managers and theorists to assist this process, these falling into three main generic categories: defining market opportunities, fitting the capabilities of the firm to the identified opportunities and the 'marketing mix' - the strategies adopted and implemented by the firm including product, price, promotion and distribution issues. Form the environmental perspective, the end of 1990s was marked by the changes on the European market which altered many of the parameters of competition and thus enforced a period of reassessment and adaptation. The opening up of the market and the resultant increased competition has widened the perspective of the planning framework with profound implications. The threat was that the removal of physical barriers to trade and the new-found freedom of movement around the European market have served to catalyse European expansion and in so doing raise the degree of European trade. According to the market servey 2000, M&S faced decline in its operations during this period, and had to close some retail store in Europe and aroud the country. To explore the results of decline McKinsey 7-S Model can be used. This model was proposed by Robert Waterman and explained: "it is not enough to think about strategy implementation as a matter only of strategy and structure" (McKinsey 7-S Model, n.d.) Taking into account the McKinsey 7-S Model which is based on the interrelationship of strategy formulation and implementation, it is possible to say that a strategy developed by agers of M&S was a effective for world's integration failed at the stage of implementation. The 7-S views culture as correlation of: strategy, structure, systems, style, staff, skills and shared values. According to Waterman "If a 7-S analysis suggests that strategy implementation will be difficult, managers either can search for other strategic options, or go ahead but concentrate special attention on the problems of execution suggested by the framework" (McKinsey 7-S Model, n.d.). In general, corporate culture is the pattern of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes and assumptions that may not have been articulated but shape the ways in which people behave and things get done. Values refer to what is believed to be important about how people and the organizations behave. Norms are the unwritten rules of behaviour (Cole, 1990). Communication, employed by M&S, is affected by internal and external environment, by the nature of the task and technology. For example, difficulties in communication arose with production systems where workers were stationed continuously at a particular point with limited freedom of movement. Even when opportunities exist for interaction with colleagues, physical conditions may limit effective communication. The term organizational climate

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Law TL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Law TL - Essay Example First, the volume of requests would weigh down an already stagnate Congress. Secondly, the nine exemption of the FOIA act would have to be suspended as well. National defense, geological records, personnel files, and more would be fair game to request. This could possibly cause the country to fall in a war. While a reporter might have only wanted an email between McCain and his wife, national security could be breached in other emails or phone calls. The nine exemptions were put into place to avoid these problems. 2. Do you believe that the federal government should be able to create whatever laws it deems to be in the countrys best interests, or do you believe that individual states, like New York and Texas, should have more control over the laws within their own boarders?   When is it appropriate for the federal government to override the states?   Are there instances where the federal government should leave matters to the states and, if so, what kind of matters are best left to states? Personally the thought of ‘states’ rights’ in 2015 is offensive. The Civil War determined that that Federal rights supersede states’ rights in order to keep the United States whole. States’ rights need have a guideline to follow due to the fact all states must recognize laws from other states. This is why the Supreme Court decides issues like abortion, gay marriage, and so forth. If states’ rights were more important, gay marriage would not be legal in some states, but normal in others. States have the flexibility to make laws within Federal guidelines. For example, the death penalty is legal in Texas, but not in Iowa. It is up to the Supreme Court to interpret the laws passed by Congress, states, and other judicial rulings. On-line anonymity has been both a blessing and a curse.   The ability to state an opinion without having to reveal ones identity has allowed for greater

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Refutation on Agassiz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Refutation on Agassiz - Essay Example Although Agassiz started his work while still at the University, he won his reputation in the United States between the years 1807 and 1873 during his final studies of fossil fishes. This essay seeks to discuss the Agassiz theory and some of its refutation. The paper refutes the theory due to its insistence on the inclusion of glaciers, ‘threefold parallelism’ concept and its racist attitudes. That is because Darwin and other scientists argue that glacier is not the only force that has shaped geology worldwide and also all beings are equal. In the 1840’s Agassiz immigrated to America where he become a professor of comparative zoology at Harvard University (Wendel 162). It has been recorded that Agassiz was the first man to challenge and oppose Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. According to him, the theory is scientifically wrong since it is unable to show evidence of transformation of a fossil animal or plant to another or one kind of living to the other. Agassiz main reason for rejecting the Darwin’s theory was based on paleontology since the fossil records did not prop up the evolution. Though Agassiz has been closely associated with the development of the glacial theory, it has been identified that he did not develop it. According to Gould and Morey, the hypothesis was developed by Jens Esmark, Jean de Charpentier, and other natural scientists in the early 1800’s. He only made a little original contribution of expanding the concept of an ice age to a global catastrophe using analytical evidence. Besides, he also developed the idea of uniformitarianism to explain the development of the earth. Moreover, Agassiz borrowed some of the ideas from his theory of mass extinction so as to improve the glacial theory. These plans included the great ice age, climate change, and evolution, and the biblical flood. As a result, the glacial theory becomes widely accepted by most

Monday, September 23, 2019

#1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

#1 - Essay Example On the other hand labor relations is the dealings between management and the workers with respect to the employment conditions. â€Å"Most commonly, however, labor relations refer to dealings between management and a workforce that is already unionized, or has the potential to become unionized. Labor relations is thus crucial to industries like autos and airlines with heavily unionized workforces† (Labor Relations, 2009) In most of the times the interests of the organizations and that of the labors would be opposite in direction. The management always keen in maximizing their profit and for that purpose they will compromise the interests of the workers. On the other hand labor unions are always working for the wellbeing of the workers and they are not much concerned about the profit of the organization. For workers what they are getting is more important than what the organization is achieving. Both these interests contradict at times which will end up in strained labor relationships and trade union strikes. In a changing world, especially under globalization and liberalization, a well maintained labor relationship is important for an organization in order to compete in the market. Customers will trust an organization if their product or service supply doesn’t interrupt. Poor labor relationship always results in labor union strikes which will interrupt the production of goods or service. A temporary suspension of service or supply of goods in the market will force the customers to search for other options. Once the customers move away from the organization, it is difficult for the organization to bring them back. Labor problems destroy the image of the organization in the society in which it operates. The public will often take the side of the labors even if the justice is on the other side because of the false assumption that the management always trying to exploit the workers. This public

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Consumer behaviour Essay Example for Free

Consumer behaviour Essay Understanding consumer behaviour has taken the attention of researchers and companies due to their relevance for business success (Jones et al 2000). How is consumer satisfaction related with their loyalty has been likely the most important issue in consumer behaviour for ensure a long-term success in a marketing strategy (Pappu et al 2006). The literature and researchers suggest that there is a strong relation between product satisfaction and brand loyalty, but always highlighting their relation as a unidirectional relationship. In other words, product or service satisfaction has a direct relationship with loyalty, but loyalty has not a significant dependency with satisfaction (Oslen 2005). In other words, brands can have satisfied customers; nevertheless, that does not mean loyal customers in the future (Oslen 2005). In addition, the literatures also suggest that there is a link between loyalty and profitability thanks to repurchase behaviour (Dick Basu 1994; Anderson et al 1994; Rust et al 1995). All these positive consequences are possible if managers consider in their strategies concepts such as consumer satisfaction and customer loyalty to build strong relationships based on trust and commitment (Dick Basu 1994). All these concepts are totally useful to take a lot of opportunities in the wine business. Its features as a business mix between products and services, its challenging competitive environment and its complexity for products evaluation, make the wine business completely dependent of these concepts. Hence, this essay will discuss what is customer satisfaction and why is relevant for a business success in a long-term. Then, it will do the same with customer loyalty concept making a special attention in the differences between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty concepts. Furthermore, to have different viewpoints about loyalty, also it will be discussed an important argument against loyalty known as â€Å"double jeopardy effect†. After that, this essay will offer two approaches of how is calculated customer profitability due to their significance in managerial marketing decisions. Finally, it will be explained how are linked satisfaction- loyalty-profitability and its consequences to the wine business. Customer satisfaction is very important to a business success in a long-term (Jones et al 2000; Pappu et al 2006). There is a wide range of arguments to support why customer satisfaction is so relevant for future performance of many companies. For example, satisfied customers are stronger against competition marketing campaigns, also they are less sensitive to the price and might be more loyal to the brand than unsatisfied customers (Dimitriades 2010). However, satisfaction is not the only step that wineries have to give to archive their goals with their clients. There is a big differentiation between satisfaction and loyalty, and a deep understanding of each concept might be essential for businesses with a strong association between products and services like the wine business. Nowadays, the wine business has been recognized as one of the most competitive business due to its small margins and large supply. In addition, the changing wine business environment has forced wine producer to use strategies focused on consumer preferences (Kimpakorn Tocquer 2011). All these factors have become critical for wineries that want to have a differentiation against their competitors and satisfy their customers. According to aforementioned, several authors are defined and studied customer satisfaction and their loyalty due to their relevance in a long-term, but their definitions vary according to the purpose of the study (Oslen 2005). Nevertheless, The American Marketing Association (AMA), is the most respectful professional association for individuals and organizations who are leading the practice, teaching, and development of marketing worldwide, and they defined customer satisfaction as follow: 1. The degree to which a consumers expectations are fulfilled or surpassed by a product. 2. The post-purchase evaluation of a consumer action by the ultimate consumer or the decision maker. The beliefs, attitudes, and future purchase patterns; word-of-mouth communication; and legal and informal complaints have been related to the post-purchase satisfaction/dissatisfaction process. (American Marketing Association 2012) Therefore, for those wineries that are looking for a differentiation, satisfied customers might be a good alternative. As it is possible to see, according to the definition of AMA, everything is related with consumer’s expectations and how companies exceed it or not. In addition, the post-purchase process will determinate their attitudes and beliefs to the brand. In this line, a satisfied customer is a potential ‘promoter’ of the brand through word-of-mouth and could be a very profitable if companies understand their needs and wants. Moreover, Anderson and Sullivan (1993) explain that are two factors as antecedents of satisfaction, expectations and perceived quality (Anderson et al 1993). This means, the evaluating process will depend on how were built these expectations and the quality perceived. Furthermore, the authors sustain that these antecedents will have a different weight in the process depending on how complex is evaluate the product. Consequently, it might be more relevant manage customer satisfaction when clients are familiarized with the product. On the contrary, when the product is complex or difficult for evaluating, expectations are more relevant (Anderson et al 1993). So, these findings challenge the wine industry due to wine is not an easy product to evaluate. In other words, it is not enough produce just a good quality wine, but also it is manage customer’s expectation as a part of their job to obtain their satisfaction. Wineries that already exceed customer’ expectations, now are looking for keeping their attention and future preferences. Is here when loyalty becomes an important and relevant goal for those wineries that passed the first step, create a long-term relationship with their customers. Many conceptualizations of customer loyalty can be found in the literature (Donio et al 2006). The importance of create profitable relationship with customers is so relevant that many authors have dedicated their studies to understand it. What is customer loyalty and why it is so significant to the future success of a business are the key questions. The main recurrent argument in the literature is capturing a new customer is much more expensive than delighting existing one (Dick Basu 1994). As we discuss before, satisfaction in the wine business is more related with customer expectation, but once exceeded these expectations, is essential start to thinking in how to build a sustainable relationship with customers in the long-term. Dick and Basu (1994) defined loyalty as follow: â€Å"The strength of the relationship between an individual’s relative attitude towards an entity (brand, service, store, or vendor) and repeat patronage† (Dick Basu 1994) So, Dick and Basu (1994) suggest that there is a link between the strength of the relationship and the individual’s relative attitudes toward a brand, which it determinate a possible future purchase. Now, it is not clear yet how these attitudes work and are built. To explain this, Dick and Basu (1994) explain three different approaches of customer loyalty. First, loyalty as an attitude toward a brand, second, loyalty expressed as a pattern behaviours, and third, buying moderated by individual attitudes (Dick Basu 1994). Understanding these three views are very useful for appreciate deeply what is customer loyalty. The first approach is viewed as positive attitudes toward a brand. This means, a good past experiences generated a commitment with the brand. This is measured asking people how much they like the brand or if they will give any recommendations. The level of these feelings and recommendations will measure the level of commitment with the brand and future purchases (Dick Basu 1994). In other words, any marketing campaign that reinforces positive attributes toward the brand is working on enhancing these positive attitudes. For instance, Coca-cola and its marketing campaign of happiness or Harley-Davidson and their ‘unique sound’ and ‘style’ of motorcycles, both are campaigns that enhance positive attributes toward the brand. However, this definition is not quite verifiable for buying of ‘low-risk’ (Dick Basu 1994). The second definition, loyalty expressed as pattern behaviour, defines different kind of customers. Those called ‘monogamous’ that means one hundred per cent loyal to a brand and the others as ‘promiscuous’ that means loyal to a category of products more than a specific brand (Dick Basu 1994). So, under this definition loyalty is more like a propensity to buy a brand into a category of products than feelings of commitment with a particular one. In deed, there are evidences that show people who declared them self as satisfied or very satisfied and in the next purchase they buy another brand. For example, In the UK, Oglivy Loyalty Centre found that, although 85% of automotive customers declared them self as satisfied, only 40% bought the same brand, and of packaged goods customers who identified a favourite brand, the 66% had bought another brand recently (O’Malley 1998). Finally, the third approach, buying moderate by individual attitudes, links the behaviour with customer’ attitudes. Dick Basu (1994) interpret behaviour as the act of buying plus the attitudes created for that act. As attitudinal dimensions Dick and Basu (1994) give three steps, ‘customer satisfaction’, ‘customer trust’ and ‘customer commitment’. These three steps would be the antecedents of customer loyalty. In simple words, people will buy something with expectations created by advertising, background, social environment, etc. Then, post-purchase, they will create several attitudes according to the process of product evaluation. Consequently, these attitudes will generate satisfaction if these expectations were exceed it. Once satisfaction is obtained, people might develop trust in that brand and a possible desire of commitment. Hence, according to this third definition, we can see a deeper process behind customer loyalty and a better explanation of how to manage it. It may say, to build customer loyalty is not enough create a relationship through a loyalty scheme, gifts or create email lists and send emails for communicating promotions and activities. Loyalty is much more complex than that, first, it is necessary obtain customers trust for building a compromise with them (Dick Basu 1994). Then, once customers take commitment, it is possible to speak about loyalty. As an example, this is similar to marriage. First, there is a period where people know each other (trust), then, people who really want to make a compromise for building something in the future get engaged, and finally, during the marriage, the couple works everyday to remember their votes and keep their loyalty through time. In marketing, seems to be the same pattern, companies that want to create strong relationships based on trust, first, they must gain it. Then, companies have to build a commitment with those customers that are profitable for them and, finally, find the way to develop their loyalty, remembering why they took this preference in the past. Small brands have a double goal, increase their market share and their popularity to defeat the double jeopardy effect. In the literature it is possible to find a very common, but unknowing phenomenon called, Double Jeopardy (Ehrenberng et al 1990). This phenomenon, presented in business is cited as one of the most common arguments against loyalty explaining the repurchase behaviour as a consequence of the brand size in the market. Ehrenberg (1999) explains this phenomenon as follow: In any given time period, a small brand typically has far fewer buyers than a larger brand. In addition, its buyers tend to buy it less often. This pattern is an instance of a widespread phenomenon called double jeopardy

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Light Emitting Diodes Engineering Essay

The Light Emitting Diodes Engineering Essay History of lighting devices starts with low efficient incandescent lamps, then next came the CFL lamp. In the history of lighting devices, invention of LED was a turning point Light Emitting Diode or simply LED is an electronic device, which emits light when electricity passes through it. LED has a number of different uses in day to day life. Its uses varies from a simple power on indicator to indicator to traffic signals. LED uses about 10% of the energy traditional light bulb uses and they can last about thirty times longer.LED lights are highly efficient and cost effective. Nano technology has its own role to play in lighting devices history. Invention of quantum dots and ionic liquids changed the face of lighting industry. Quantum Dots LEDs were manufactured using quantum dots particles. QLEDs offer better luminescence than normal LED lights. Introduction of Ionic Liquids (IL) was another turning point. Still in the beginning stage, Ionic Liquids offer a better solution to the world of lighting devices. 2. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) A Light Emitting Diode or LED is a semi-conductor device which can be used as a light-source. Semiconductors are neither a good conductor nor an insulator. Semiconductors are made up of semiconducting materials like Silicon or Germanium. A diode (also called as a PN junction diode) has two terminals, anode(a) and cathode (k), anode is a positive terminal and cathode is negative terminal- which allows electric current to pass only in one direction. A semiconductor diode can be compared to a switch or a one-way valve. A Light Emitting Diode emits light when electric current passes through it. The colour emitted by an LED depends on the type of semiconductor material used for its construction. Common colours available for LEDs are green, red, orange, blue, yellow and white. Aluminium gallium indium phosphide (AlGaInp) alloy is used for obtaining red, yellow and orange lights. Indium gallium nitride (IaGaN) is used for getting blue, green and white lights. White and Blue LEDs are more expensive than other colours. Apart from the above colours, Infra Red LEDS (also called IREDs-Infra Red Emitting Diodes) and Ultra Violet LEDs are also available. Staring into an Ultra Violet LEDS is harmful to the eyes. 3. Quantum dot LEDs (QLEDs) Quantum Dots are very small crystals, in nanotechnology terminology, they are nano particles of semiconductor materials, usually its diameter varies between 2 and 10 nano meters. Quantum dot particles were discovered in early 80s by Louis Brus at Bell Laboratories. A Quantum Dot can contain either a single electron or thousands of electrons. Generally quantum dots are made from the sulphides or selenides of semi conductor materials like Zinc or Cadmium. Quantum dots electronic and optical characters are related to the size and shape of each particles. When energy is applied (under excitation), electrons get energized and moved to higher bands, and when electrons get back to the stable state, the additional energy is emitted as light corresponding to a certain frequency. Its narrow emission spectrum is directly proportional to the size of the crystal. Smaller particles give a blue shifted emission and larger particles give a red shifted emission. Using a technique called size quantization effect, quantum dots can be tuned to produce any colour during manufacturing. Quantum dot LEDs (QLED or QD LED) are devices which use quantum dots as their light emitting material. These dots are excited when electricity is applied and emits light according to the size of the dots. Larger dots produce more energy levels and darker colours and smaller dots create smaller energy levels and emits lighter colour shades. Gold or silver nano particles are very versatile materials whose diameter varies from 1nm to 100nm. Gold nano particles are comparatively smaller that of Silicon Quantum Dots. And it s experimentally proven that, smaller particles generate better fluorescence than that of larger particles. So, Quantum Dot LEDs manufactured from gold or silver nano particles increases the luminescence. 4. Ionic liquids (IL) Ionic liquid is the salt form of any material in liquid state. Ionic liquids are liquid salts. Ionic liquids are made up of, ions (charged atoms) or ion pairs. These ions or ion pairs are poorly coordinated in the liquid. This poor coordination of ions results in the liquid from below 100 °C. Ionic liquids are also known as liquid electrolytes or ionic fluids. When a salt melts without decomposing, it results to an Ionic Liquid. Ionic bond is much more stronger than the bond between the normal Van der Waals forces in the molecules. Ionic liquid changes its form to ionic solid when it gets cooled. Ionic solids are seen in two forms, crystalline and glassy. At low temperature, ionic liquids acts like ionic solutions, which is a combination of both ions and neutral molecules. Ionic liquids are also called designer solvents, because they are manufacturing in the lab for specific purpose. Properties of ionic liquids are they dont evaporate, and it is a good conductor of electricity, and it dissolves almost everything. The reason for their non-evaporate property is their non-volatile nature. So, Ionic liquids can replace some acids and organic solvents. Ionic liquids are used for electro polishing, metal plating, extracting metals from rocks. Applications for Ionic liquids are storage for chemical cells, batteries, fuel cells and electro chronic devices for displays, cellulose processing, used as dispersants agents in paints, for gas handling and storage, for natural fuel processing, in food and bio-product industries, in recycling of plastic and synthetic wastes etc. 5. Turn-On Time Turn on time or rise time is the time required by a signal to change from low state to high state. The time it takes for the output of a system to change from a specified small percentage (usually 5 or 10) of its steady-state increment to a specified large percentage (usually 90 or 95).   ( An LEDs turn-on-time is the time needed by the device to turn from OFF state to ON state. Time needed to emit the light, after applying the electricity. LEDs are very fast devices and its turn-on time is 0.0001S or 0.1mS. Polymer light emitting diodes (PLED) uses an electro luminescent conductive polymer that emits light when connected to a power supply. PLEDs need very small amount of electricity to emit light and therefore they are considered to be very efficient. A polymer light emitting diode use ionic liquids as one its active material. Usually polymer light emitting diode has fast turn on time. 6. Improved Efficiencies in LED LED efficiency can be improved by paying attention on packaging, chip structure and positive voltage applying. White LEDs are usually considered to be more efficient that the other Red, Green, Blue colour LEDs. White light in LED can be produced in two ways. One method is, using three individual LEDs which producing the primary colours and then mixing them to produce the white light. Another method is, using the principle which is using in fluorescent lights, a phosphor material is used to convert light from UV or blue LED to white light. The luminous efficiency of blue/UV chip and the conversion efficiency of phosphorous determine the efficiency of white LED. Luminous efficiency is highly influenced by temperature and current. Efficiency of LEDs fall with the increasing current. This effect is called droop. When operating temperature increases from 327K to 380K, the luminous efficiency dropped by 20%. When the temperature is rising, the radiation at the potential decreases which eventually cause a decrease in luminous efficiency. When operating current rises from 0mA to 350mA, the luminous efficiency of LED tend to be decreased by 35%. When current increases, more and more non-stable electrons diffuse out of potential well, thus decreasing the luminous efficiency. We can improve the luminous efficiency of a LED by improving the heat dissipation efficiency and increasing the width of potential well. Working condition of a LED should be under limited temperature and moderate current. The heat generated in the LED, reduces the efficiency of lighting performance. A good packing technology is the way to solve the heat dissipation problem. But developing a heat dissipation technology for reducing the LEDs working temperature is a real challenge. The efficiency and reliability of an LED depends on the thermal dissipation of an LED, because the heat generated in the junction affect the performance and effective operation of LED. LED efficiency can be improved by LED packaging. But, we need to over come the challenges facing in packaging stage to reach the desired efficiency. The challenges facing in packaging are colour consistency of light emitting, multi-chip packaging etc. Packaging technology used for high power LED are more complex and costly. In addition to packaging, chip structure and positive voltage also play a role in LED efficiency. Efficiency can be achieved if positive voltage can be controlled in a very small range. 7.Studies of radiation damage in solar cells and LEDs Solar cells Solar cells or photovoltaic (PV) cells are devices which converts solar light to electricity. Working principle of a solar cell is just opposite to that of LED. A solar cell converts light to electricity while a LED converts electricity to light. In a solar cells, photovoltaic effect generates electricity. Solar cells are made up of semiconductor materials like silicon. When light hits on a solar cell, some portion of a light is absorbed by silicon material. That means, the energy in the light is shifted to the semi conductor material. This energy excites the electrons and make them to break the covalent bond, Breaking of covalent bonds in an atom results in free electrons. This free electrons start flowing and the flow of free electrons cause a current flow in the solar cell. A group of solar cells are electrically connected to form a frame called solar panels. A solar panels are grouped to form large solar arrays. When sunlight hits the semiconductor, the electrons from P-type semiconductor springs up and is attracted towards the N-type semiconductor. This make negative charges in the N-type semiconductor and more positive charges in P-type semiconductor. Thus electricity is generated due to the flow of electrons. This is called photovoltaic effect. Radiation damage Radiation damage is the physical damage occurs to devices (solar cell or LED) in a radiation environment. Visible light, also known as electromagnetic radiation, does not damage soalr cells or LED normally. But exposing to ultra violet (UV) light , which has more energy, can damage the cells overtime. Output parameters of the devices are affected by radiation damage. Radiation damage in solar cells and LEDs occur when highly massive particles like electrons, protons, or ions come in contact with semi conductor materials. The source of the highly massive particles may be nuclear reactions, gamma rays, space radiation etc. The particles having mass and energy can interact with materials in different ways, such as inelastic collision with electrons in a material, inelastic collisions with nucleus and elastic collisions with nucleus. Ionisation and atomic displacement are the two categories of radiation damage that occur to solar cells and LEDs. Ionisation : Ionisation is the process when an atom becomes an ion. It happens, when electrons lose from an outer orbit or extra electrons are added to atom structure. High energy radiation cause ionisation in materials. The use of silicon is solar cells and LEDs cause a range of ionisation related radiation effects such as increased leakage current, decreased gain etc. Atomic displacement : When a fast particles collide with a crystal, silicon atoms may get displaced from their lattice structure. And this displacement may damage the silicon solar cells. Silicon Solar cell damage There are different method to measure silicon solar cell damage. One method is by measuring the irradiation changes occurring in a solar cell and can be explained using basic solar cell equation. This method require data such as series resistance, shunt resistance, current generated by light and diode parameters such as saturation current and quality factor of diode. Solar cell damage can also be measured by observing the change in minority carrier diffusion length. And this method is widely used because diffusion length is measurable. But there are many disadvantage to this method. One serious disadvantage is damage caused due to low energy protons. Low energy protons do a significant damage to the PN junction of a solar cell. This irregular damage increases the saturation and quality factor of the diode. This damage can cause a significant decrease in voltage. The output parameters of a solar cell can be described using the formula Isc  =  Isc0  Ã‚  C  log (1 +  Phi  /  Phix)  , where Isc is the cell short circuit current Phix is the radiation fluence at which Isc starts to change C is the Constant indicates the decrease in Isc per decade The relation between solar cell short circuit current and diffusion length can be represented as Isc  =  A  lnL  +  B. Solar cells are more prone to radiation damage in space. The degradation of cover glass material of solar cell in space is more. Ionisation cause more damage to covering material than atom displacement. Ionisation in material are directly depend on the radiation absorbed. Solar cells are usually made up of Si and GaAs which are more prone to radiation. Replacing these semiconductor material with InP during manufacturing is the best way to reduce damage due to radiation. InP is more resistant to radiation that Si or GaAs. InP substrate constructed with high carrier concentration has superior radiation resistance. LEDs are also prone to displacement damage. Shorter wave length AlGaAs and GaAs LEDs emitting light in the region 800-900nm are more prone to radiation damage. Manufacturing LEDs with higher wavelength is the answer to this radiation problem. 8. CONCLUSION LED lights are widely using these days commercially. The main advantage of LED is its reduced power consumption. They are highly efficient, cost effective, durable and long lasting. Inventions like quantum dot and Ionic Liquids in Nano Technology field, bring significant changes in Lighting. Quantum Dot LEDS are more efficient than normal LEDs, QLEDs use nano crystals as their lighting materials. Use of gold or silver nano particles increases the luminescence emitted from the QLEDs. Introduction of Ionic Liquids, changed the appearance of LED lights. Ordinary LED lights produces a harsh white lights. Implementing a layer of ionic liquids to the LED light, produces a warm light. Researches were made to find the ways of improving the efficiencies of LED. When expose to space radiation solar cells and LEDs are more prone to damages. And it reduces the life span of these devices. Researches are still continuing in the field of nano technology, searching for finding new methods to improve the efficiency of lighting devices.